Our Books

Accident & Emergency Radiology : A Survival Guide
Raby, Berman, Morley & de Lacey
Ref: SG1

3rd edition
The 3rd edition of “ Accident & Emergency Radiology : A Survival Guide “ replaced the 2nd edition in the summer of 2014.
A complimentary e-book will be provided for the A&E Survival Courses for Doctors and ENPs. This allows participants to concentrate on the teaching rather than being distracted by taking notes.
The 3rd Edition represents a meticulous revision of both the text and the illustrations. Some of the alterations: the chapters' layout has been made particularly reader friendly; abnormalities are subdivided into those that are common and, separately, into those that are infrequent but essential to detect because of their clinical importance; key anatomical landmarks and descriptions are defined and explained by using innovative drawings and artworks created by Philip Wilson, a renowned medical artist.
Nevertheless, the authors have once again stuck to their principle objective: ie to assist all those who assess Emergency Department radiographs and ask the question . . . " these images look normal to me - but how can I be sure that I am not overlooking a subtle but clinically important abnormality? "

2nd Edition
The 2nd edition won FIRST PRIZE in the Radiology section at the 2005 BMA Medical Book Competition. Comments from the BMA Judges included:
"The quality of the radiographs and the accompanying diagrams is outstanding . . . the distillation of key radiographic features of important conditions is brilliant . . . if it were made compulsory for all new SHOs to own and read this book it would probably do more to reduce the burden of medical negligence than any other clinical governance measure!"
Translations. The following versions have been available: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Greek, Polish, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified).

The Chest X-Ray : A Survival Guide
de Lacey, Morley & Berman
Ref: SG2

This Survival Guide won FIRST PRIZE in the Radiology section at the 2009 BMA Medical Book Competition. Comments from the BMA Judges included :
"This portable, economical reference helps you to build a strong foundation in chest x-ray interpretation. Many books dumb down their content and oversimplify concepts. This book successfully shows that a topic can be made accessible without being oversimplified - and, in fact, that explanation of the nuances can often make the topic " easier ". High quality drawings and digital chest x-rays . . . handy checklists and key references deliver all the assistance you need to enhance your interpretation skills. Well done to the authors."
Readers' comments on the book can be read on line on Amazon, UK . . . go to Amazon
Translations. The following versions are available: English, French, Portuguese, Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, and Korean.
The Survival Guide contains more than 350 CXRs, 200 explanatory drawings, important secrets from the radiologist's toolbox, and helpful differential diagnoses. The book is laid out as follows :
Part A concentrates on fundamental principles and key ana
tomical concepts.Part B addresses the common problems and clinical dilemmas that occur in everyday practice . . . whether on the wards, in the Emergency Department, or in the Out Patient Clinic. In addition, paediatric and neonatal problems are addressed.
A complimentary e-book is offered on The Chest X-ray Survival Course for Doctors and also on The Advanced Chest X-ray Study Day. This allows registrants to concentrate on the teaching rather than on taking notes.