About Us

These are our consultants and lead teachers

Dr. Lol Berman MB, BS, FRCP, FRCR
Trained in radiology at Northwick Park Hospital and the MRC Clinical Research Centre. Undertook a Fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children and St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. Currently Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Clinical Radiology at the University of Cambridge and Addenbrooke's Hospital. Numerous subspecialty interests including Ultrasound, Emergency Department radiology, and Paediatric radiology.

Dr. Gerald de Lacey MA, MB BChir, FRCR
Formerly Consultant Radiologist at St. George's Hospital, London and subsequently at Northwick Park Hospital, London. Previously visiting Professor at the University of Miami Medical School, USA, and visiting Senior Lecturer in Radiology, University of Auckland Medical School, New Zealand.
Dr. Simon Morley MA, BM BCh, MRCP, FRCR
Consultant Radiologist at University College Hospital, London. A tutor on the Radiology Red Dot trauma and CXR courses. Specialist interests include head and neck radiology, musculoskeletal radiology, and diagnostic ultrasound. A co-author on two textbooks: Accident & Emergency Radiology - A Survival Guide (3rd edition), and The Chest X-Ray - A Survival Guide (1st edition). Dr Morley is also the IT consultant, and the senior technical adviser/supervisor, to Radiology Red Dot Courses.
Dr Denis Remedios MA, MB BChir, MS, MRCP, FRCR
Consultant Radiologist at Northwick Park Hospital, London; a tutor on the Radiology Red Dot trauma courses. Specialist interests include musculoskeletal radiology and diagnostic ultrasound.
Jeremy Weldon BSc.(Hons.)
Consultant Radiographer and an expert Reporting Radiographer at Northwick Park Hospital, London. His technical input and valued contributions to the 3rd Edition of our book - A&E Radiology : A Survival Guide - has been gratefully acknowledged by the authors. Jeremy is a joint co-ordinator of the Test Yourself cases that are placed on this website on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.